Reviewing timesheets, managing workers’ compensation, staying in compliance… Let us help you take the hassle out of keeping up with the many dimensions of managing employees.
This is the best solution for business owners who want a comprehensive payroll and HR solution to ensure compliance and efficiently, yet seamlessly want to outsource management of their personnel needs.
This is a great solution for business owners with a smaller workforce that want to keep their HR and payroll management simple and scalable.
This option is best for those business owners with small teams who want to ensure that their payroll is taken care of correctly and accurately, and that essential compliance is being met.
Processing payroll means that you don’t have to worry about taking care of reviewing timesheets for accuracy, ensuring all approvals are captured, overtime is calculated correctly, as applicable, or that payroll is run on schedule.
Pension plan management means that 401K contributions are calculated correctly, disbursed in a timely manner, and reconciled regularly.
HR & health insurance management mean that your business is covered in important HR areas, and that your business is meeting its compliance checkpoints, according to your headcount.
Letting us take care of statutory communications and employee updates means that you don’t have to do it, and your business remains complaint.